Education is the key to empower patients as principal actor on his/her health
An informed patient is a healthier patient
Causes & Cures
Based on SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, we propose natural products as SIMPLE SIMPLISSIMA SOLUTION to eradicate cancer, and fight diabetes & other diseases.
Environment & Ecology
Based on NATURAL HISTORY, we propose ‘One Respectful Health’ as a DURABLE SIMPLISSIMA SOLUTION to promote equilibrium and integrate adaptability.
Research & Education
Based on INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION, we propose innovation as LOW-COST SIMPLISSIMA SOLUTION to promote prevention and synergize through multidisciplinarity.
Humanity & Culture
Based on OBSERVATIONS, we propose ancestral knowledge as ETHICAL SIMPLISSIMA SOLUTION to be shared through restored transmission and comprehended diversity.
Education is the foundation upon which we can build our connection with nature. Our vision:
“Nature is essential to Human Health.”
Education is the acquisition of knowledge based on research. Our challenge:
“Up to 80% of the people in Africa rely on traditional remedies."
Education is the solution for attaining a minimum health for all. Our motto:
“A lemon with a spoon of honey a day keeps the doctor away!”